Cost Implications of Infrastructure Drift: Reducing Cloud Costs with Terraform Drift Detection

Cost Implications of Infrastructure Drift: Reducing Cloud Costs with Terraform Drift Detection

In the IaC world – infrastructure drift refers to a situation where the actual state of the infrastructure differs from the desired state defined in your IaC configuration, such as a Terraform/OpenTofu configuration.

Drift can occur due to a variety of factors, including manual interventions, updates from other services, or even human error. While infrastructure drift often results in operational inefficiencies and security risks, it can also lead to significant cost implications.

In this article, we’ll explore how infrastructure drift can generate unexpected costs and how drift detection can be leveraged to not only identify drift but also help optimize your infrastructure spending.

How Infrastructure Drift Leads to Unexpected Costs

Orphaned Resources

One of the most common ways drift impacts cost is through orphaned resources. When you manually remove or update resources outside of Terraform, it might not reflect in the state file, leading to resources that are no longer part of the desired architecture but are still running.

Examples include:

      • Forgotten EC2 instances running in a cloud environment.
      • Unused load balancers or reserved IP addresses that continue to incur charges.
      • Storage volumes (EBS in AWS or Disks in GCP) that are detached from instances but not deleted.

Cost Implication: These orphaned resources will continue to accrue charges despite being unnecessary, leading to a direct impact on cloud infrastructure costs.

Over-provisioned Resources

Infrastructure drift may cause the allocation of larger or more expensive resources than necessary. For instance, an engineer could manually resize a database cluster or scale up the compute instances without updating the Terraform code.

Common scenarios:

      • Moving to a higher-tier instance type due to temporary performance needs but forgetting to downsize after the requirement is over.
      • Over-provisioning services like RDS databases or auto-scaling groups that scale beyond expected limits.

Cost Implication: Over-provisioned resources can quickly inflate cloud bills, leading to unnecessary spending on higher-tier services that don’t match current workloads.

Unused or Idle Resources

Another drift-related cost driver is unused or idle resources. Manual modifications or environmental changes might leave resources running when they aren’t being actively used.

Examples include:

      • Autoscaling groups not being scaled down after peak traffic.
      • Idle VMs, containers, or Kubernetes clusters running without active workloads.
      • Unused services like Route 53 health checks, NAT gateways, or VPN connections.

Cost Implication: Resources that are idle or under-utilized can accumulate costs for extended periods, draining budgets without delivering any real value.

Unmanaged Dependencies

In complex environments, services often have interdependent resources. When drift occurs, one of these resources might be manually modified, but its dependencies remain unaffected. This leads to inconsistency and waste.

For example:

      • Updating an application server but leaving dependent services like monitoring agents, backup instances, or logging infrastructure running at the original scale.
      • Load balancers or API gateways might remain in place after traffic is moved elsewhere, continuing to generate costs without serving any requests.

Cost Implication: These unmanaged dependencies can pile up and contribute to hidden costs in your cloud bill.

Cloud Service Pricing Changes

Even without manual intervention, cloud providers may introduce pricing updates or changes to service models. If Terraform configurations are not updated or optimized to reflect these pricing shifts, your infrastructure may be unintentionally incurring higher costs.

An example would be continuing to use legacy pricing tiers when newer, cheaper alternatives are available (e.g., moving to AWS Graviton instances for cost savings).

Cost Implication: Failing to update infrastructure definitions to reflect current pricing models can lead to paying more than necessary for outdated resource types.

Use of Drift Detection to Optimize Infrastructure Spending

Drift detection plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing these issues before they result in large, unexpected bills. By regularly running drift detection mechanisms, organizations can ensure that their infrastructure matches the desired state, optimizing both performance and costs.

1. Regular Drift Detection Using Terraform

Terraform offers built-in drift detection through the terraform plan command. Running this regularly can help identify resources that have drifted from the desired state:

  • How it works: terraform plan compares the actual state of your infrastructure (recorded in the state file) with the desired state defined in your configuration. Any discrepancies are flagged, allowing you to investigate and remediate drift.
  • Optimizing costs: Running regular drift detection can identify:
    • Orphaned resources that should be deleted.
    • Over-provisioned resources that can be downsized.
    • Unused resources that should be decommissioned.

2. Automated Drift Detection in CI/CD Pipelines

To ensure continuous infrastructure optimization, teams can automate drift detection as part of their CI/CD pipeline:

  • Set up automated pipelines (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins, GitLab) to run terraform plan periodically or after each merge to check for drift.
  • Automatically notify engineers of drift or generate reports showing any discrepancies between the actual and desired state.

Continuous monitoring prevents drift from accumulating over time and allows teams to respond quickly to cost-impacting changes. Automating this process ensures that drift is detected as early as possible, reducing the time resources run in an unintended state.

3. Third-Party Tools for Enhanced Drift Detection

Beyond Terraform’s native drift detection, third-party tools can enhance this process with more advanced functionality:

  • Digger: A self-hostable drift detection tool that detects, notifies and gives teams to optionally auto-remediate configuration drift
  • tfsec: Focuses on security but can also be configured to help identify drift-related misconfigurations.

These tools not only help detect drift but also provide insights into the notification and remediation that helps in optimizing your cloud infrastructure.

4. Implementing Policies to Avoid Drift and Control Costs

To further optimize infrastructure spending, teams should establish drift prevention policies:

  • Use of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Restricting manual changes in production environments reduces the chances of drift, ensuring that all infrastructure changes go through Terraform.
  • State File Management: Use remote backends (like AWS S3 or Terraform Cloud) to store and lock the state file, ensuring consistency across teams.
  • Frequent Audits: Conducting routine audits of infrastructure costs and usage helps catch anomalies and drift early, reducing the chances of surprise bills.


Infrastructure drift can lead to significant, unexpected costs that negatively impact cloud spending. Orphaned, over-provisioned, and unused resources all contribute to higher bills if left unchecked. By leveraging Terraform’s drift detection capabilities and integrating automated solutions, organizations can stay on top of infrastructure drift, detect discrepancies early, and optimize spending.

Through a combination of regular drift detection, automation, and third-party cost analysis tools, teams can reduce waste, ensure their infrastructure remains efficient, and prevent unpleasant surprises in their cloud bills. In the end, proactive drift management not only improves operational efficiency but also directly supports financial savings.

Digger provides a simple and easy to set up IaC drift scanner — book a demo with the founders if you’re keen to take it for a spin!